We keep personal data in any case as long as is necessary to achieve the purpose.
The General Data Protection Regulation and Implementation Act (AVG) has no concrete retention periods for personal data. Other laws may well contain minimum retention periods that we must comply with. Think, for example, of the general administration obligation for companies (as stated in the Civil Code), tax legislation or legislation that applies specifically to financial companies (Financial Supervision Act).
How long we keep personal data varies. It can vary from months to years. In many cases it is 7 years after the end of your relationship with ABN AMRO. We keep personal information from a prospect for a maximum of 1 year. After the end of the retention periods, the personal data is deleted or anonymised. There are reasons to keep certain personal data for longer. This applies, for example, to our risk management, for security reasons or because of claims, investigations or lawsuits.
If personal data is kept for longer, we take measures to ensure that it is only used for the purposes for which a longer retention period is necessary.