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How to set up periodic investing

On your Self-directed Investing account

Periodic investing in 3 steps

As an investor with ABN AMRO, setting up periodic investing couldn’t be easier. Read on to find out the steps to take when you are using our Self-directed Investing Basic or Plus service. If you have a Guided Investing account, find out here how to submit a one-off or periodic order.

Go to your account overview

Log in to Internet Banking or the ABN AMRO app. Click or tap your Self-Directed Investing Basic or Plus account. Click or tap ‘New order’ in your portfolio overview. In the menu at the top, select ‘Investment funds’.

Search by fund name or ISIN code or scroll the list. Click or tap the investment fund you want. Use the tabs to filter. Check the fund details for the price at the most recent cut-off time (closing price) and price information. Once you have selected a fund, click or tap ‘Buy’.

Setting up a periodic order

At the top of the screen, you will see the price at which the investment fund is currently trading, the next cut-off time, and the execution date of your order. Make sure you always read an investment fund’s essential investment information under ‘Price information’. Select the investment account you want the funds to go into and the linked account (contra-account) that you want the money for the investment to come out of.

Next, select ‘Periodic order’. Set an amount to invest and the frequency. Select the start date for the order, and possibly an end date as well. You can change or cancel a periodic order at any time. Check the order summary carefully. To make any changes, click or tap ‘Back’ in the top-left corner. Click or tap ‘Next’ to place the order.

Confirming a periodic order

Confirm the buy order either by scanning the QR code in the ABN AMRO app. You will then be taken back to the portfolio overview. Your order will not be listed there yet, because it still has to be processed on the execution date. Click ‘Order status’ to check the status of your order.

Frequently asked questions

If you want to check and compare the details and performance of investment funds, use the fund selector.

Go to the fund selector >

Investment funds have a daily ‘cut-off time’. Orders placed before the cut-off time will be forwarded to the fund manager that same day. Orders placed after the cut-off time will be forwarded to the fund manager on the next trading day. The fund manager will generally execute your order within two or three days after the cut-off time.

The investment fund is priced on the day that your order is executed.

Investing involves risks

Investing involves risks. You could lose (some of) the money you invested. If you are going to invest, it is important that you are aware of this. Invest with money you can spare. Read more about the risks associated with investments.

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