Investing completely independently, without the advice of an investment adviser. You make your own decisions and invest via the secure environment of Internet Banking. With Self Directed Investing Basic or Self Directed Investing Plus, you choose your own way forward. Not experienced enough with investing and require a little guidance? This is possible with Self Directed Investing. You decide for what purpose, how much and for how long you want to invest.
Want to make your own decisions about investments, but still want some help? With Guided Investing you invest in a profile fund that suits your needs.
Want to invest independently on your own initiative and without advice? If you have sufficient knowledge and experience, Self Directed Investing Basic may be of interest to you.
You´re an active self-investor and would like extra insight and convenience via My Dealingroom? Then Self Directed Investing Plus may be just what you´re looking for. Self Directed Plus customers gain the Wealth Dashboard, which displays your investment portfolio and results in one clear overview
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