If you make additional repayments on your mortgage, you pay less per month. That will probably yield more than the interest on your savings account, as well as reduce your mortgage debt.
It’s always smart to sort out your pension. Unfortunately, many people postpone this for too long, whereas having a good insight into your pension gives you peace of mind. Putting money aside to supplement your pension may provide a tax advantage.
By investing, you can potentially get more return on your savings. You can invest from just €50 per month. Keep in mind that this entails risk and you might lose your investment.
Research by finner.nl and iex.nl shows that investing yielded 3.5 times more on average over the past 10 years than saving. Although these results do not offer a guarantee for the future, they paint a hopeful picture.
An average positive result was achieved in the analysed investment periods of 3, 5, 7 and 10 years. Even if you had started investing before the credit crisis (in 2008), you would have had a positive position now.
In order to better manage investment risks, our experienced fund managers have put together various Profile Funds. Because the funds consist of a large number of bonds, shares and/or alternative investments, the risks are spread. You also determine how offensive or defensive your investment strategy will be.
You really don't need a huge bank account balance to start investing. On the contrary: Guided Investing is possible from only €50. If it suits you, you can expand your investment amount euro by euro. Whatever amounts you start with, it is important that you set realistic goals and do not invest (savings) money you can’t afford to lose.
Unfortunately, the best entry moments can only be determined in retrospect. Fortunately, entering the investment market doesn't have to be all or nothing. Do you have an amount in mind that you want to invest, but you’re unsure whether this is the right time to start? If so, you can also break down your investment into blocks and deposit them periodically.
This enables you to create several entry moments. At one point you’ll get in on an upward trend; at another you’ll first have to go through a downward trend. In this way, your average price risk is reduced, although there is always a chance that you will lose part of your investment.It's basically just like cooking: you can make it as complicated as you want, but a simple recipe can also be very successful. That is why we offer different types of investment.
Do you have little to no experience? With Guided Investing, we help you choose a Profile Fund based on your wishes, goals and preferences. Subsequently, experienced fund managers within your fund do their best to achieve the highest possible returns.