
U bent succesvol uitgelogd.

The Energy Saving Check

See your options for lower energy consumption and greater living comfort

The Energy Saving Check is only available in Dutch. Please use the English handout

  • See the financial picture in three minutes
  • Including a summary of subsidies
  • Save your personal step-by-step plan

Calculate your potential energy savings

Discover for yourself what a sustainable home can deliver. Prepare your personal step-by-step plan in three minutes and see immediately what you may be able to save and what the costs are. With calculations from our partner HomeQgo: expert in making homes energy efficient.

The financial picture

At first, making your home energy efficient primarily involves making investments. Any financial benefits will only start to pay off in the long term. Want to know more? The step-by-step plan shows the potential investments and an overview of the subsidies.

Useful! Save and Compare

Together with our partners, we would be happy to help you. Download your step-by-step plan so you can use it to compare quotations. Or request a quote directly from one of our partners.

Klimaatbureau Hier, duurzaam partner van ABN AMRO

Klimaatstichting HIER

Klimaatstichting HIER helps you make smart choices that also benefit the climate. Precisely where you always are. Whether you want to get started at home, generate energy as a group of neighbours, or reduce carbon emissions at work.

Milieu centraal, duurzaam partner van ABN AMRO

Milieu Centraal

The Milieu Centraal information organisation sets itself apart with independent, reliable and practical information. Down to earth about the environment and not tied to any commercial interests. This way, they empower people to make choices based on clear, correct and motivating information.

homeQgo, duurzaam partner van ABN AMRO


It is homeQgo’s mission to make it as easy as possible for you to make your home sustainable. This is what homeQgo works on with great passion every day, with a team of experts in the fields of architecture, technology and sustainability. Using digital means of communication, they will help you take the next step.

Essent, duurzaam partner van ABN AMRO


Energy company Essent has teamed up with local service partners, i.e. specialists in energy-efficiency measures such as the installation of solar panels or insulation, so that you can count on expert skills and professionalism. The Essent service partners take care of consultations, issue quotes and do the work.

Sustainability discount with energy label A or B

Sustainability discount with energy label A or B

You will receive a discount on your mortgage interest rate if you buy a home with energy label A or B or if you buy a newly built home. If you renovate your home to energy label A or B and you register the energy label with the Dutch government within 24 months of the start of your fixed-rate period, you can also benefit from the discount. We will automatically apply the interest rate discount from the first day of the month following the date the label is registered.

Calculate your potential energy savings

Discover for yourself what a sustainable home can deliver. Prepare your personal step-by-step plan in three minutes and see immediately what you may be able to save and what the costs are. With calculations from our partner HomeQgo: expert in making homes energy efficient.

Why choose sustainability

Potential reduction in energy consumption

Energy efficiency measures may help you reduce your energy consumption.

Better environment

A sustainable home is better for the environment. After all, your fossil fuel consumption is much lower.

More comfortable living

An insulated home is less draughty and retains heat better.